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PN & K1 School Interview Preparations

Get your child ready for PN and K1 school interviews with the most commonly used toys for benchmarking. Find them now on!



Tips For Success

Preparing your child for school interviews can be a daunting task, but having the right tools can make all the difference. Here are some additional tips to help you navigate the process with confidence:

  • Research the school: Before the interview, take some time to learn more about the school and its values. This will help you tailor your answers to their specific needs and show that you are invested in your child's education.

  • Practice makes perfect: Use the toys from to help your child practice answering common interview questions and completing tasks. Benchmarking tasks usually involve the following: playing pretend, stacking wooden blocks, twisting bottle caps, threading toys, 2-piece puzzles, shape matching, letter recognition and pretend food cutting. When speaking, don't forget to encourage your child to make eye contact, and express themselves confidently.

  • Dress for success: Make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the interview. This doesn't necessarily mean a formal suit or dress, but they should look neat and tidy. Avoid distracting patterns or logos on clothing.

  • Be on time: Plan to arrive at the interview location a few minutes early to allow time for unexpected delays. Being punctual shows respect for the interviewer's time and sets a positive tone for the meeting.

Remember, the interview is an opportunity for both you and the school to determine if it is a good fit for your child. With a little preparation and the right tools, you can help your child put their best foot forward and succeed.


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PN, K1入學面試通常以玩玩具方式進行,而這些玩具都可以在www.wisekidstoys.com找到!






  • 了解學校:在面試之前,花一些時間了解學校及其價值觀。

  • 熟能生巧:使用玩具幫助小朋友練習回答常見面試問題和完成任務。基準測試任務通常涉及以下內容:扮演角色、堆疊木塊、扭轉瓶蓋、穿線玩具、拼圖、形狀配對、字母識別和扮演食物切割。在玩的時候,別忘了鼓勵小朋友進行眼神交流,並自信地表達自己。

  • 面試時衣著:確保你的小朋友在面試時得體。這並不一定要穿西裝或連衣裙,但小朋友應該看起來乾淨整潔。

  • 準時:計劃提前幾分鐘到達面試地點,以便為意外延誤留出時間。



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